Who We Are 

The Latin American Motorcycle Association (L.A.M.A) was founded in 1977 in Chicago’s notorious Humboldt park Neighborhood. From it’s inception L.A.M.A was intended as a Moto-Touring club with truly Democratic ideas. A lone chapter until the first chapter was started in Miami in 1995, LAMA became a National Association when the first national president was  elected in 1996.



In 1999 LAMA became an international Association with chapters in Puerto Rico, México, USA & Cuba. Presently LAMA has additional chapters in Uruguay, Venezuela, Argentina, Spain, Australia. LAMA was intended as the club of the 21st century and is a work in progress, to be continued by the flow  and ideas of new members in near far  lands!



LAMA is a club without borders. We have evolved into an “International Humanist Association “. We accept working people from all walks of life regardless of nationality , race, color, religion, social class, gender, age , brand of motorcycle , etc . We believe that it is more important to be human than to be Latin, Asian , Black, White, etc!



LAMA is one of the most  respected clubs in the world. As a LAMA member there are doors opened to you in every city where we have chapters. To know LAMA is to visit other chapters, especially chapters in other nations.


LAMA is recognized as one of the most active long distance riding clubs in the  world. Our woman (Damas De LAMA) accompany us on their own motorcycle, riding Xtreme distance, which most Bikes find way too far and others find a challenge of endurance.



LAMA by-laws were compiled through 30 years of experience. It was not intended so that we carry a dictionary of rules to have few short hours of fun. On the  other hand, there are times when difficulties occur, and that’s when they come in handy.


welcome to LAMA ! You have Just Joined One of the best clubs in the world. We challenge you to help us improve It.